What is UX design and UI design?
UX design (User Experience) is responsible for how the interface works.
UI design (User Interface — "user interface") responsible for how the interface looks.
One part cannot exist without the other. Now it's hard to imagine that you can develop an interface and not think about how it will look, and vice versa — design the UI in isolation from UX design.
We design interfaces. With clear architecture and cool visualization – 10% cheaper!
Please contact us if you are attracted to our creative services or if you would like to talk about the future needs of the project.
Principles and perspectives of UI/UX design
A designer who works on UX and UI at once is most often called an interface designer, or a UX/UI designer. He leads the entire interface development process from the task receipt stage to prototype testing.
To understand what is included in the UX part and what is in the UI, let's analyze all the stages of interface design using the example of an educational task - the graduation project of Alexander Manov, a graduate of the course "Interface Designer".
What does the interface look like and how does it work? Responds to UX and UI. This is a delicate balance between creative design solutions and ease of use. UX/UI creates a digital environment where the user experience is fun, not a headache
UX Design
We determine what the user's interaction with the product will be.
Visual Design
We visualize the content strategy and information architecture to convert visitors into buyers
Information Design
We structure the information in such a way as to properly manage attention.
UI Design
We create a visually attractive product that evokes an emotional response from users.
Content Marketing
We increase the engagement of the target audience with the right text.
Interaction Design
We create functionality that forms a habit and encourages users to interact with the product for a long time.
We fully design the architecture and work out the navigation for the product.
We distinguish the product from the competition with the help of corporate identity, fonts, icons and animations.
Motion Design
We animate the graphics using animation to make the project come alive.
Technical DESIGN SEGMENTS audit
The lead time is 5-10 days$500.00 $190.00
- Checking the site for compliance with the requirements of search engines.
- Evaluation of the technical part of the site.
- Evaluation of the correctness of meta tags (Title, Description, H1), page-by-page optimization, linking, indexing, etc.
- Evaluation of usability and ease of navigation on the site.
- IOS/Android-oriented recommendations
- Thorough analytics
Prices for UI/UX design
The period up to the 1st results: 1-3 months.of $850.00
Typical project structure:
Page design (by roles)
Page design (by roles)
- Email Notification design
- ACL policies (access rights)
- Typography
- Rules of adaptability
- Colors (palettes)
- UI-kit
Design concept
We will make layouts of the main pages for demonstration.
Let's take into account the requirements, trends in UI UX and solutions proven in practice.
If you have a complex project and need help with the design, write to us. We will study the requirements, evaluate the labor costs and propose project ideas based on our accumulated experience — within 1 working day.
/ 01
We look for user insights, study competitors, and immediately determine performance metrics
We look for user insights, study competitors, and immediately determine performance metrics
/ 04
Creating an attractive visual with readable interface elements in all screen states
Creating an attractive visual with readable interface elements in all screen states
/ 02
What tasks will our site perform, how many pages, blocks and functions does it need?
What tasks will our site perform, how many pages, blocks and functions does it need?
/ 05
We are testing the layout and analyzing the feedback
We are testing the layout and analyzing the feedback
/ 03
We visualize the structure of a product or service in a customized layout
We visualize the structure of a product or service in a customized layout
/ 06

Development of UX/UI user interfaces
Creating a design is inseparable from the whole solution. Our designers connect at the earliest stages to understand the functions and tasks that the software product solves, who will use it and how.
UI UX design
We will simplify the user's life, test the interface before development, and make it more convenient according to the users themselves.
Mobile Application Design
We will design the navigation and architecture of the mobile application. Let's design the application and the UI kit for development.
A clickable prototype
We will make an accurate clickable prototype of the project to test the interface, find bugs and improve it before development.
Usability Audit
We will collect and study competitors, conduct an audit on UI UX trends, make a list of errors and recommendations for improving the interface.
Website design
We will prepare the website design for development. We will design layouts in 3-5 sizes, UI kit, palettes and typography.
Design system
Let's put the design in order, define the general principles, rules of coloristics and typography. We systematize and automate what is possible.
Website redesign
We will update the design of the website or application, systematize the design of the project, and make a redesign taking into account new functions.
UX tests on users
We will conduct an interview and get insights from the users themselves. Let's study what people need and solve problems in the interface.
We help to make already working business processes more efficient
You have a stable, regulated business process, for example, the sale of insurance policies in a mobile application, and you need to give it a look so that it becomes more convenient and understandable
- First of all, we analyze and describe the business process in order to understand in detail how the user's path goes.
- Then we design and create layouts, assemble the UI kit - here designers are responsible not only for how the visual should work and simplify the business process, but also how it should look on all types of devices. When designing, we take into account the user's experience so that the interface is familiar to him.
- We assemble ready-made layouts into a clickable prototype so that before starting development we can conduct a UX study and check that all the steps are intuitive, logical and simple for the user. Here we clarify all the nuances that might not have been taken into account in the previous stages.
Is it possible to use only visual design (UI)?
Можно. Проблема в том, что к продукту с хорошей визуализацией и плохим юзабилити (UX) пользователи обычно не возвращаются.
Представь, ты строишь дом. Опустить часть, которая про фундамент и планировку очень хочется — украшать же всегда интереснее. В конце концов, кого парит что там “под капотом”. Но если так, не удивляйся, что в один день “поедет” пол или треснет потолок.
То же работает и в продуктовой разработке. Чтобы построить крутой с визуальной и “рабочей” сторон продукт, очень важно учитывать и UI, и UX. Просто потому что мы все любим “понятные” штуковины — которые про ‘открыл и сразу начал юзать’.
What kind of design is needed for an MVP?
How important is UI/UX for the product?
How long will it take to design?
Internal ranking factors
External ranking factors
Behavioral factors
Personal ranking in the search results
I want a design. What do you want from me?
Do you have a project?
Please contact us if you are attracted to our creative services or if you would like to talk about the future needs of the project.

We are proud of every participation and every award we receive. This makes us improve and always research to achieve new goals.